Triplanar Transparent Textured
Shader UUID: 3bff8504-ab58-4d61-87fa-77507cf86f82
Name | Type | Default | Description |
albedo | vec3 | [1, 1, 1] | Base color of the material |
emission | vec3 | [0, 0, 0] | Self-illumination of the material |
metallic | float | 0 | Metal-like appearance (0-1) |
roughness | float | 1 | Surface roughness (0-1) |
ambientOcclusion | float | 1 | Ambient light reception |
albedoTexture | texture2d_ref | 0f7983f4-4469-4d66-a355-93253108b311 | Albedo texture. |
emissionTexture | texture2d_ref | 0f7983f4-4469-4d66-a355-93253108b311 | Emission texture. |
metallicTexture | texture2d_ref | 0f7983f4-4469-4d66-a355-93253108b311 | Metallic texture. |
roughnessTexture | texture2d_ref | 0f7983f4-4469-4d66-a355-93253108b311 | Roughness texture. |
ambientOcclusionTexture | texture2d_ref | 0f7983f4-4469-4d66-a355-93253108b311 | Ambient occlusion texture. |
normalTexture | texture2d_ref | e8945da2-23ca-4133-833d-ef063ad6348c | Normal texture. |
opacity | float | 0.5 | Transparency level of the material. |
emissionIntensity | float | 1 | Emission intensity. |
opacityTexture | texture2d_ref | 0f7983f4-4469-4d66-a355-93253108b311 | Opacity texture. |
scale | vec2 | [1, 1] | The scale of the triplanar projection. |
sharpness | float | 1 | Triplanar blend sharpness. |
rotationDeg | vec3 | [0, 0, 0] | Rotation angle for the triplanar projection. |
offset | vec2 | [0, 0] | Shifts the triplanar texture along the three axes. |
flipNormalTextureGreenChannel | int32_t | 0 | Flip normal texture green channel. |
flipNormalTextureBlueChannel | int32_t | 0 | Flip normal texture blue channel. |
heightTexture | texture2d_ref | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | Height map texture |
heightMapScale | float | 0.04 | Height map scale. |
triplanarParallax | int32_t | 0 | Toggle the triplanar mapping parallax effect. |
triplanarBlendMode | int32_t | 0 | Triplanar mapping blend mode: 0 - whiteout blend 1 - height map 2 - albedo luminance 3 - asymmetric |
triplanarUseLocalSpace | int32_t | 0 | Use the local space when computing the mesh triplanar UV's. |