Animation Controller | animation_controller | Animation controller with reference to an animation graph and an animation set. Enables skeletal animation on its skinned mesh descendents whose skeleton is compatible with the animations in the animation set. | |
Animation Sequence Controller | animation_sequence_controller | Animation sequence controller with reference to an animation sequence and assigned entities. | |
Box Geometry | box_geometry | Box geometry. | Transform |
Camera | camera | Virtual camera. | Transform |
Capsule Geometry | capsule_geometry | Capsule geometry. | Transform |
Character Controller | character_controller | Character controller used for movement constrained by collisions without having to deal with a rigid body. A character controller is kinematic, and so is not affected by forces. It uses its own tweaked collision algorithm to give a good feeling while controlling the character. | Transform, Physics Material |
Collision Geometry Reference | collision_geometry_ref | Reference to a collision geometry. | Transform, Physics Material |
Constraint | constraint | A physics constraint that can be configured along 6 degrees of freedom. In its default state it behaves as a fixed constraint - that is, it rigidly fixes the constraint frames of its two entities. However, individual degrees of freedom may be unlocked to permit any combination of rotation around the x-, y- and z- axes, and translation along these axes. | Joint |
Culling Geometry | culling_geometry | Culling geometry. Add this component in addition to another geometry component (e.g. box geometry, sphere geometry, etc.) to enable culling geometry. | Transform |
Cylinder Geometry | cylinder_geometry | Cylinder geometry. | Transform |
Name | debug_name | Name of the entity. | |
Decal Projector | decal_projector | Decal Projector. | Transform, Material Reference, Box Geometry |
Environment | environment | The environment of a scene. Used to give a scene a skybox. | |
Joint | joint | Base component of all the other joint components (revolute_joint, etc.). By itself it will lock the orientations and distances of the constrainer and constrainee. | |
Transform | local_transform | Local transform of the entity. | |
Material | material | References a shader and specifies input values if needed. | Mesh Reference |
Material Reference | material_ref | Reference to a material. | |
Mesh Reference | mesh_ref | Reference to a mesh. | Transform |
Orthographic Lens | orthographic_lens | A lens that applies an orthographic projection. | Camera |
Overrider | overrider | Overrides a given entity in a sub scene. | |
Perspective Lens | perspective_lens | A lens that applies a perspective projection. | Camera |
Physics Material | physics_material | Physics material which represents a set of physical surface properties. | |
Plane Geometry | plane_geometry | Plane geometry. | Transform |
Point Cloud Reference | point_cloud_ref | Reference to a point cloud. | Transform |
Light | point_light | A light with color and intensity. A point light by default, add a spot light component to add a cutoff. Can be parameterized to simulate the atmosphere sun. | Transform |
Reflection probe | reflection_probe | Omni directional reflection probe parameters, used for local cubemap reflection generation. | Transform, Box Geometry |
Revolute Joint | revolute_joint | Revolute joint which keeps the origins and x-axes of the frames together, and allows free rotation around this common axis. | Joint |
Rigid Body | rigid_body | Rigid body parameters. | Transform, Physics Material |
Scene Reference | scene_ref | Reference to a scene. | Transform |
Script Element | script_element | References a script and specifies input values if needed. | |
Script Map | script_map | References multiple scripts. | |
Shadow caster | shadow_caster | Enables a light to cast shadows. | Light |
Skeleton Reference | skeleton_ref | Reference to a skeleton. | Transform |
Sound Reference | sound_ref | Reference to a sound. | Transform |
Sphere Geometry | sphere_geometry | Sphere geometry. | Transform |
Spot Light | spot_light | Adds a cutoff to a point light to simulate a spot light. | Light |
Stereoscopic Perspective Lens | stereoscopic_lens | A lens that applies a custom projection. | Camera |
Tags | tags | Tags used to filter entities. | |
Vehicle Controller | vehicle_controller | Vehicle Controller parameters. | Transform |
Volume Filter | volume_filter | Filtering properties applied to the volume. | |
Volume Material Reference | volume_material_ref | Reference to a material to use with a volume. | Volume Reference |
Volume Reference | volume_ref | Reference to a volume made of voxels. | Transform |
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