Animation sequence controller with reference to an animation sequence and assigned entities.
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
animationSequenceRef | uuid | None | A reference to an animation sequence. |
entities | uuid | None | Track to entity map. Key is track uuid, value is the entity to assign to it. |
playbackSpeed | float | 1 | The speed at which to play the animation sequence. The sequence will go in reverse if set to a value lower than 0. |
startOffset | float | 0 | The normalized offset at which to start the playback. |
stopOffset | float | 1 | The normalized offset at which to stop the playback (or loop back to start offset). |
loop | bool | false | Whether or not the animation loops when it reaches the end of the sequence. |
playState | integer | 0 | The play state of the animation. |
seekOffset | float | -1 | The offset to seek at next frame. Must be in the [0, 1] range. |