Animation Sequence Controller


Animation sequence controller with reference to an animation sequence and assigned entities.


animationSequenceRefuuidNoneA reference to an animation sequence.
entitiesuuidNoneTrack to entity map. Key is track uuid, value is the entity to assign to it.
playbackSpeedfloat1The speed at which to play the animation sequence. The sequence will go in reverse if set to a value lower than 0.
startOffsetfloat0The normalized offset at which to start the playback.
stopOffsetfloat1The normalized offset at which to stop the playback (or loop back to start offset).
loopboolfalseWhether or not the animation loops when it reaches the end of the sequence.
playStateinteger0The play state of the animation.
seekOffsetfloat-1The offset to seek at next frame. Must be in the [0, 1] range.