Rigid Body


Rigid body parameters.



massfloat1Mass of the rigid body. A value of 0 is interpreted as infinite mass.
centerOfMassvec3[ 0, 0, 0 ]Center of mass. Relative to the entity's transform.
linearDampingfloat0Linear damping coefficient. Used to slow down the rigid body's linear velocity. Zero represents no damping. Must be non-negative.
angularDampingfloat0.05Angular damping coefficient. Used to slow down the rigid body's angular velocity, i.e. how much it rotates. Zero represents no damping. Must be non-negative.
forcevec3[ 0, 0, 0 ]
torquevec3[ 0, 0, 0 ]
collisionDetectioninteger0The type of collision detection to use for this rigid body.
useGravitybooltrueControls whether rigid body is affected by gravity.
isKinematicboolfalseSpecifies if rigid body is kinematic. Kinematic rigid bodies are not affected by forces such as gravity.