Debug Lines


Settings for debug lines


drawDebugLinesboolfalseWhether to draw debug lines
drawPhysicsBodiesbooltrueWhether to draw geometry of physics bodies
drawPhysicsBodyAxesbooltrueWhether to draw physics body axes
drawCenterOfMassboolfalseWhether to draw the center of mass of physics bodies
drawJointsboolfalseWhether to draw joint-related debug lines
drawSkeletonsboolfalseWhether to draw the skeletons of rigged characters
drawIKboolfalseWhether to draw certain IK parameters like the forward and up vector of an IK Aim node, or the pole vector of an IK Two Bone node
drawBoundingBoxesboolfalseWhether to draw the bouding boxes of entities
drawCameraFrustumsboolfalseWhether to draw camera frustums
drawLightsboolfalseWhether to draw light-related debug lines
drawReflectionProbesboolfalseWhether to draw reflection probes