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Material properties that allow texture inputs will multiply the texture sample by the corresponding material parameter's floating point value to determine the final value.


AlbedoDefines the base color of the material.
MetallicControls the metal-like appearance, affecting how light interacts with the surface. A value of 1 creates a fully metallic surface, while a value of 0 results in a non-metallic surface.
RoughnessGoverns the surface's smoothness, influencing the scattering of reflected light. A value of 0 results in a mirror-like reflection, and a value of 1 results in a diffuse surface.
EmissionSets the self-illumination of the material, making it appear as if it's emitting light.
AmbientOcclusionModulates how much ambient light the material receives, often used to add depth and detail.
NormalProvides a texture for simulating surface details without extra geometry.
HeightAdjusts the perceived depth of the material.
HeightMapScaleScales the height map, amplifying or reducing the height effect.
FlipGreenChannel***TextureInverts the green channel of the normal map.
FlipBlueChannel***TextureInverts the blue channel of the normal map.
isDoubleSidedIndicates whether the material is visible from both sides of the mesh.


OpacityControls the transparency level of the material. A value of 0 makes the material fully transparent, while a value of 1 makes it fully opaque.

Clear Coat

ClearCoatRoughnessSets the roughness level for the clear coat layer.
ClearCoatStrengthDetermines the intensity of the clear coat effect.
ClearCoatNormalProvides a texture for the clear coat's surface details.
ClearCoatNormalTexScaleScales the clear coat normal texture.


ScaleAdjusts the size of the triplanar texture, affecting how it wraps around the object.
SharpnessControls the blend sharpness between the three planes.
RotationDegSets the rotation angle for the triplanar projection.
OffsetShifts the triplanar texture along the three axes.

Triplanar Clear Coat

ClearCoatNormalNoiseBlendDetermines the intensity of the clear coat noise effect.
ClearCoatNormalNoiseScaleScales the clear coat normal noise.
NoiseBlobbyControls if the noise will look more flat or more round.
NoiseIntensityThe intensity of the tangent space xy noise normal components, before normalizing the vector.
NoiseHeightThe z component of the tangent space noise normal, before normalizing the vector.


SheenColorSets the roughness level for the sheen layer.
SheenColorIntensityDetermines the intensity of the sheen color.
SheenRoughnessSets the roughness level for the sheen layer.


AnisotropyStrengthSets the anisotropy strength. When AnisotropyTexture is present, this value is multiplied by the blue channel.
AnisotropyRotationThe rotation of the anisotropy in tangent, bitangent space, measured in radians counter-clockwise from the tangent. When AnisotropyTexture is present, AnisotropyRotation provides additional rotation to the vectors in the texture.
AnisotropyTextureThe anisotropy texture. Red and green channels represent the anisotropy direction in [-1, 1] tangent, bitangent space, to be rotated by AnisotropyRotation. The blue channel contains strength as [0, 1] to be multiplied by AnisotropyStrength.