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Type Alias: SessionJoinOrStart

type SessionJoinOrStart = {
sceneId: UUID;
autoJoinExisting: boolean;
isTransient: boolean;

Defined in: livelink.react/sources/components/core/Livelink.tsx:58

Represents the mode for either joining or starting a session.

  • sessionOpenMode: Optional, defaults to "join-or-start".
  • sceneId: A valid UUID identifying the scene to use when starting the session.
  • sessionId: Must be undefined.
  • isTransient: Specifies whether the opened session is transient (non-persistent).

Type declaration

sceneIdUUIDThe UUID of the scene to connect to or start a session on.
autoJoinExisting?booleanWhether to automatically join any existing session.
isTransient?booleanIf a new session is started, specifies whether it is transient (non-persistent). If a session is joined, this property is ignored.