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Type Alias: CameraControllerInitOptions

type CameraControllerInitOptions = {
target: Vec3;
forward_target_distance: number;
keyboard_fly_controls: {
enabled: boolean;
speed_multiplier: number;

Defined in: livelink.js/sources/rendering/camera/CameraControllerPreset.ts:19

Set of options to be used at CameraController creation

Type declaration

target?Vec3Set the default target
forward_target_distance?numberSet the default target at a distance in the direction of the camera from its current position. Beware that Beware truck speed is relative to target distance.
keyboard_fly_controls?{ enabled: boolean; speed_multiplier: number; }-
keyboard_fly_controls.enabledbooleanUse the keyboard fly controls
keyboard_fly_controls.speed_multiplier?numberAlter keyboard fly controls truck speed. Beware truck speed is relative to target distance.