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type PointLight = {
color: Vec3;
intensity: Float;
range: Float;
isDirectional: boolean;
isSun: boolean;

Defined in: node_modules/@3dverse/livelink.core/dist/_prebuild/engine_types/components.d.ts:703

A light with color and intensity. A point light by default, add a spot light component to add a cutoff. Can be parameterized to simulate the atmosphere sun.

Type declaration

colorVec3Light color.
intensityFloatLight intensity.
rangeFloatThe range for the point light. If the range is 0, then physically correct point light attenuation function is used.
isDirectionalbooleanMake this light directional, position is ignored in this case.
isSunbooleanMake this light direction control the atmosphere sun direction. If more than one light is marked to be a sun results are undefined.