type AnimationController = {
animationGraphRef: AssetRef<AnimationGraph>;
animationSetRef: AssetRef<AnimationSet>;
dataJSON: AnimationGraphDataObject;
rootBoneEntityRef: EntityRef;
rootMotionEnabled: boolean;
Defined in: node_modules/@3dverse/livelink.core/dist/_prebuild/engine_types/components.d.ts:23
Animation controller with reference to an animation graph and an animation set. Enables skeletal animation on its skinned mesh descendents whose skeleton is compatible with the animations in the animation set.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
animationGraphRef | AssetRef <AnimationGraph > | UUID of the referenced animation graph. |
animationSetRef | AssetRef <AnimationSet > | UUID of the referenced animation set. |
dataJSON | AnimationGraphDataObject | Input values as described in the referenced animation graph in their original JSON format. |
rootBoneEntityRef | EntityRef | Reference to the entity with the bone component that corresponds the root bone of the skeleton. |
rootMotionEnabled | boolean | Whether or not root motion is enabled. |