@3dverse/livelink / Components
All the components that can be attached to an entity.
Type Aliases
- Euid
- AnimationController
- AnimationSequenceController
- Bone
- BoxGeometry
- Camera
- CapsuleGeometry
- CharacterController
- CollisionGeometryRef
- Constraint
- CullingGeometry
- CylinderGeometry
- DebugName
- DecalProjector
- Environment
- Joint
- Lineage
- LocalAabb
- LocalTransform
- Material
- MaterialRef
- MeshRef
- OrthographicLens
- Overrider
- PerspectiveLens
- PhysicsMaterial
- PlaneGeometry
- PointCloudRef
- PointLight
- ReflectionProbe
- RigidBody
- SceneRef
- ScriptElement
- ScriptMap
- ShadowCaster
- SkeletonRef
- SoundRef
- SphereGeometry
- SpotLight
- StereoscopicLens
- Tags
- VehicleController
- VolumeFilter
- VolumeMaterialRef
- VolumeRef