const pointer_locked_orbital: CameraControllerPreset;
Defined in: livelink.js/sources/rendering/CameraControllerPresets.ts:41
A camera controller preset aiming as an orbital camera with orbit locked on the pointer with user friendly features:
- Pick orbit point under the pointer on 3D objects or use previous obit point if none is picked.
- Dolly and truck in the direction of the pointer movement.
- Dolly to pointer.
- Infinity dolly to "go through walls".
- Lock pointer on mouse drag after a threshold distance of 10 pixels.
- Unlock the pointer when all mouse buttons are released. Mouse controls:
- Hold left button: rotate
- Hold middle button or wheel: dolly
- Hold right button: truck Touch controls:
- 1 finger: rotate
- 2 fingers: truck or dolly with pinch gesture
- 3 fingers: truck