@3dverse/livelink v0.8.28
Class | Description |
Livelink | This class represents the Livelink connection between the client and the 3dverse server holding the session. It holds access to the actual socket connection as well as a client local representation of the rendered scene. |
Name | Description |
Client | A client in a session. |
Session | A session running a scene. |
- | |
DisconnectedEvent | Event emitted when the session is disconnected. |
InactivityWarningEvent | Event emitted when the client is about to be disconnected due to inactivity. |
ActivityDetectedEvent | Event emitted when activity is detected after a period of inactivity. |
ClientJoinedEvent | Event emitted when a client joins the session. |
ClientLeftEvent | Event emitted when a client leaves the session. |
ClientInfo | Information about a client in a session. |
SessionEvents | - |
SessionInfo | Information about a session. |
Name | Description |
Entity | An entity in a scene. |
EntityUpdatedEvent | The event that is fired when an entity is updated, either by adding, modifying or removing components. |
EntityVisibilityChangedEvent | The event that is fired when the entity visibility changes. |
Scene | The scene class. |
ScriptEventReceived | The event that is fired when an entity receives a script event. |
ScriptEventEmitted | The event that is fired when an entity emits a script event. |
EntityEvents | - |
EntityCreationOptions | Options for creating a new entity. |
Name | Description |
EncodedFrameConsumer | A base class for consuming encoded frames. |
SoftwareDecoder | Software decoder that uses Broadway.js to decode h264 encoded frames. |
WebCodecsDecoder | A decoder that uses the WebCodecs API to decode video frames. |
DecodedFrameConsumer | The interface for consuming decoded frames. |
FrameMetaData | - |
Name | Description |
CameraControllerPresets | Camera controller presets module. |
CameraController | A camera controller based on the camera-controls library. |
CameraProjection | Holds the projection and transform matrices associated to a camera entity. |
Viewport | A viewport is a rendering area on a RenderingSurfaceBase that is associated with a CameraProjection. |
EntityHoveredEvent | The event that is fired when an entity is hovered. |
EntityPickedEvent | The event that is fired when an entity is picked. |
LockMousePointerAim | Aim of the pointer lock: - "off" : disable pointer lock. - "always" : lock pointer as soon as the pointer is down and never unlock it. - "on-drag" : lock pointer as soon as the first pointer is down and unlock it when ell the pointers are up. |
CameraControllerInitOptions | Set of options to be used at CameraController creation |
CameraControllerPreset | A preset of the properties of the CameraController class. You can refer to https://www.npmjs.com/package/@3dverse/livelink-camera-controls for more information. Properties documented with [custom] prefix are not part of the livelink-camera-controls package. |
Ray | A ray in 3D space. |
ViewportEvents | - |
Rendering Surfaces
Name | Description |
OffscreenSurface | - |
Rect | - |
InvalidSizeError | Occurs when an element has an invalid size. |
OutOfBoundsError | Occurs when an element is not contained into its parent bounds. |
RelativeRect | - |
RenderingSurface | A rendering surface backed by an HTML canvas. |
RenderingSurfaceBase | Abstract class for rendering surfaces. |
RenderingSurfaceResizedEvent | An event that is fired when a rendering surface is resized. |
VirtualSurface | A virtual rendering surface. |
OverlayInterface | Interface for rendering overlays. |
Canvas | - |
RenderingSurfaceEvents | - |
Rendering Contexts
Name | Description |
Context2D | - |
ContextProvider | - |
ContextWebGL | - |
XRContext | - |
CanvasContextAttributes | - |
CanvasContextType | - |
Class | Description |
Gamepad | - |
Keyboard | - |
Mouse | - |
Name | Description |
Commands | - |
Enums | - |
Queries | - |
Events | - |
ActivityWatcher | Watch activity on the gateway. |
DynamicLoader | Dynamically loads the Livelink core library. |
LivelinkCore | The LivelinkCore is the main entry point to the Livelink API. |
SessionInterface | Session interface. |
Engine Schemas
Name | Description |
Assets | All assets defined in the engine. |
Components | All the components that can be attached to an entity. |
Transform | - |
Aabb | Axis-Aligned Bounding Box data |
ComponentName | - |
EntityCore | - |
ComponentsManifest | - |
ComponentType | - |
ComponentsRecord | - |
Engine Types
Type alias | Description |
RTID | RTID stands for RunTime ID. It is an identifier that is guaranteed to be unique for each entity in the scene. It is only valid for the lifetime of the session. |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier as a string. |
EntityRef | A complete and unique reference to an entity. |
AssetRef | A reference to an asset. |
AnimationGraphDataObject | The data object to use in the dataJSON property of the Components.AnimationController component. |
ScriptDataObject | The data object to use in the dataJSON property of the Components.ScriptElement component. |
RenderGraphDataObject | The data object to use in the dataJSON property of the Components.Camera component. |
ShaderDataObject | The data object to use in the dataJSON property of the Components.Material component. |
Vec2 | - |
Vec3 | - |
Vec4 | - |
Vec2i | - |
Vec2u16 | - |
Quat | - |
Mat4 | - |
UInt8 | - |
UInt16 | - |
UInt32 | - |
UInt64 | - |
Int8 | - |
Int16 | - |
Int32 | - |
Int64 | - |
Float32 | - |
Float64 | - |
Float | - |
Double | - |
NativeType | A dummy type to enforce the instantiation of a type alias of a native type, such as string or number . This is only to ensure that the alias type shows up in the generated documentation and in autocomplete. |
Entity Utils
Type alias | Description |
FindEntityQuery | Find entity query to find entities based on different criteria. |
FindEntityOptions | Options for the find entity query. |
EntityResponse | The response to a find entity query. |
UpdateEntityCommand | - |