Import assets
Imports or replaces multiple assets submitted as a package. The package must be a zip archive containing the assets to import.
The package should contain the assets themselves at the root level of the archive with their descriptions in JSON format, and their payloads (e.g. textures, meshes, etc.) and contain all the assets' dependencies if they do not already exist.
Supported assets are :
- scene
- mesh
- material
- animation
- animation_set
- animation_graph
- skeleton
- texture_1d
- texture
- texture_3d
- collision_geometry
- cubemap
- volume_material
- event_map
- action_map
- sound
- point_cloud
The packaged assets' files should be named according to the following pattern:
- desc.[asset_type].{uuid}
- payload.[mesh|texture|animation|skeleton|texture_1d|texture_3d|collision_geometry|sound].{uuid}
- payload.[texture_1d|texture|texture_3d].mips[0-16].{uuid}
- payload.point_cloud.[position|color].{uuid}
- payload.texture_3d.histogram.{uuid}
The package may also contain an overwrite.json file that describes which assets to overwrite. The overwrite.json file is only used if the overwrite query parameter is set to only-specified.
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 409
- 413
- 415
Asset package successfully imported.
Invalid asset package. Could be one of the following :
- An asset description is invalid.
- The package is empty.
- The overwrite.json is formatted incorrectly. See overwrite query parameter for more information.
Attempt to import assets that already exist and the user does not have sufficient permissions to overwrite them.
Could be one of the following :
- Folder not found.
- Referenced asset does not exist and is not included in the package.
Attempt to overwrite existing assets that are not allowed to be overwritten. See overwrite query parameter for more information.
The package is too large.
An asset type included in the package is not supported.